Webmaster Sitesi, Google SEO, Bilişim ve Teknoloji Forumu FAQ
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How do I create an Article?
If you have been given permission to create new content in a CMS Section, there will be a "Create New Article" button in the top right corner of the screen. Press this button to load the Article Editor.
How do I create a rough draft of an article?

Why is my article not showing in the section page?
vBulletin's CMS tools allows you to control when and where an article is published on your site. If you don't see your article in the section immediately, you should do the following:
- Check to see if you are in the right section.
- Check to see if the permissions for the section have been set so that only a certain group of users can see the section. If it is, the article will not be made visible to the general public unless the "preview" option was selected at creation.
- Check to see if your article has been published.
- Check to see if the "Start Publishing" date was set to either a date before today or today's date.
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Dün, 18:50 in Özgür Kürsü